Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shoe Obsessed... Lately

So, lately I've been into shoes more than usual. Okay, when I say lately I mean a few months! :o)

Here are my latest finds, that have not been purchased... as of yet. As you have probably already noticed, I like to shop. Perhaps blogging will help me to shop less by sharing more... who knows. ;o)

But as a great woman once said:

"I like my money right where I can see it... hanging in my closet."

-Carrie, from Sex and the City

I recently came across this line called Butter. Butter is a fairly new (2007) New York based company that carries adorable shoes. As you can see, I am going through a bows and ruffles phase. :o)

What do you think? Aren't these pretty? :o) They can all be found on

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MHB Blog

Although I have been busy planning for the closing of Must-Have Boutique the online store in the past couple of weeks, I want to let you know that the blog will still be around! I will continue to share musings about things I find beautiful, fun and interesting. Feel free to tag along! Thanks for your support!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Going Out of Business Sale! Everything 40% - 80% Off!

Due to the economic downturn currently facing the economy, Must-Have Boutique is forced to close its doors. It has truly been a pleasure offering unique gifts to such very pleasant customers over the past two years. Thank you all for your support!

Feel free to do some early Christmas shopping, buy birthday presents or give just-because-gifts by shopping the items in the store. Everything is 40% - 80% OFF!


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